Pratt MFA Fine Arts Open Studios
Fall 2011
Friday December 9, 2011
5-9 PM
Graduate Studios open to the public in the following buildings:
East Hall
* ELJ Hall-I'm in ELJ 409 *
Engineering Building
248 Flushing Building
Pratt Studios Basement
Steuben Hall
Information and maps will be available in a tent at the center of campus
G or C train to Clinton/Washington
Fall 2011
Friday December 9, 2011
5-9 PM
Graduate Studios open to the public in the following buildings:
East Hall
* ELJ Hall-I'm in ELJ 409 *
Engineering Building
248 Flushing Building
Pratt Studios Basement
Steuben Hall
Information and maps will be available in a tent at the center of campus
G or C train to Clinton/Washington
Pratt is at 200 Willoughby Ave.